Доверенное / Emanet Все серии (2020) смотреть онлайн на русском языке
Турецкий сериал Доверенное / Emanet Все серии (2020) смотреть онлайн на русском языке. Kanal 7.

После того, как 5-летний Юсуф теряет обоих родителей, за опеку над ним начинают бороться дядя и тетя. Яман Кырымлы пережил тяжелое детство, но смог вырасти сильным и добиться больших успехов, теперь он успешный молодой бизнесмен. После гибели отца он стал главой семьи, с раннего возраста пришлось взять на себя ответственность и заботится обо всех. Ответственность наложила свой отпечаток, он закрыл свое сердце романтическим чувствам, однако только Юсуф его слабость. А с гибелью брата и невестки Юсуф остается на его попечении. Но несмотря на всю его любовь рядом с властным дядей мальчику сложно, поэтому он тянется к тете Сехер – сестре его мамы. А Сехер ради Юсуфа, которого сестра доверила ей, готова бороться с любым. Яман может дать Юсуфу материальное обеспечение, а Сехер любовь и ласку. Борьба за племянника сталкивает Ямана и Сехер, а их столкновение вызовет столп искр…

В ролях: Халиль Ибрахим Джейхан, Сыла Тюркоглу.

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Все серии: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,.. 205 серия; 2 сезон: 206,.. 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621; 4 сезон: 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631 серия (русская озвучка); 632, 633,.. серия (скоро на сайте).

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Svetlana Pop25 февраля 2021 18:01
Firat: I understand. Were you very scared? I mean when the men took your purse.
Neslihan: I was very afraid. I stayed for five minutes where I was. But when I got to the mansion, Seher and my aunt calmed me down a little. Seher called you later.
Firat: Seher is like that. She has an angel-like heart.
Neslihan: Even the mansion has changed after Seher came, you know? It used to be very gloomy, but now it's like a fairy tale. Seher's presence was good for everyone. But first it was good for Yusuf and Mr. Yaman, of course. She is so cute that I am very happy that she married Mr. Yaman. I admire both.

Seher: Neslihan was very scared in the morning. I hope Firat will find the person who stole her purse.
Yaman: You did your part. You directed Neslihan to Firat. He takes care of the rest. Now I have to do whatever is necessary. You know... I was going to talk about what I would talk to you now, but there was always an obstacle. What I would like to say... this marriage is definitely for me...

Neslihan: I don't know how to thank you. I could not have done these things without you.
Firat: Don't mention it. I will let you know if anything happens.
Neslihan: Do you think my purse can be found?
Firat: Very hard... In other words, even if the purse snatchers are arrested, the stolen things are lost. You better not get too hoped.
Neslihan: I understand. But there is something very important for me in my wallet. I wish it was found.
Firat: It will be found. I mean we'll find it.
Neslihan: Thank you so much again. See you.
Svetlana Pop25 февраля 2021 18:00
kbal: Zuhal, why don't you take the call? Do you want to drive me crazy? Please, call me as soon as you get this message. Look, I'm going crazy now. I am very worried about you.

Yaman: "I can no longer hide my feelings for you. You need to know everything. Right here right now."
I love it here. Food of this place is good.
Seher: Was this dinner really necessary? We got married after all. We don't have to convince anyone anymore. There is also nobody around us that we know.
Yaman: Moments without acquaintances are more important. We... I mean you and me... we are known as husband and wife. Press, social media ... everyone knows us both. Everyone's eyes are on us. We have to do these things more often. This marriage must be real. I have this with you... this real issue...
Seher: Did you resolve the job? I mean the problem.
Yaman: We will solve it. We will solve it. But now there is something else that needs to be discussed.
Nadire: Mark my mark. He will soon reveal his feelings for you.
Yaman: That's why we came here... to speak and name some things. Look... I... Are you okay?
Seher: I'm okay. It spilled on me. I have to go to the washroom and dry my clothes.

Firat: The petitions will be ready in 10 minutes. Those who will go to the registry office are also faxed. You won't wait long. You're working at the mansion. Is it good?
Neslihan: It's good. My aunt is working there too.
Firat: You said you were going shopping. Are you doing shopping?
Neslihan: Actually we go with the driver, but I wanted to walk this morning. There was not much to buy anyway.
Svetlana Pop25 февраля 2021 18:00
Firat: If there's nothing else you want to say, that's all my questions. Is there anything you want to add? Now only the paperwork remains.
Neslihan: Is it so? What should I do?
Firat: There is nothing to worry about. I will help you. I'll be with you at every stage until your work here is done.
Neslihan: Thank you.
Firat: Let's start then.
Ibrahim: Firat... Kara doesn't come before an hour, you're sure, right?
Firat: Yes. When we talked she said she wouldn't come an hour earlier.
Ibrahim: Okay, thank you.
Come... Are you ready, my nephew?
Nephew: What am I ready for? Please don't say rehearsal. You wanted, I came here. I'll say whatever you want when my aunt comes. I'm bored.
Ibrahim: No matter. Let's do another rehearsal before Kara comes. Just in case.
Nephew: Okay, brother Ibrahim. Let it be as you say. When my aunt comes, I will say that you apologized to me. I will say there is no frustration between us. Okay?
Ibrahim: Okay. But don't forget to tell Kara why I attacked you. I attacked you because I thought Kara was under attack. You are emphasizing here, okay?
Nephew: Okay, brother. Okay. I will say everything. It's enough. I'm bored. I'm tired of rehearsing.
Kara: What are you doing here?
Nephew: Auntie... We... We were talking about the problems between...
Kara: You go home immediately! I understand I understood everything. Come on!
Don't you have any other work to do? Do not mess with me! Do not mess with my family! Are you obsessed? Leave us alone! By what right would you bring the kid here? I will not tell you again. You will stay away from me and my family! Do you understand?
Svetlana Pop25 февраля 2021 17:59
Firat: Welcome.
Neslihan: Thanks. Sorry. You had to deal with me among all these things. Sometimes I am so careless.
Firat: Don't think so. Such events happen to everyone. Sit down, please. Do you want to drink something? What can I offer you?
Neslihan: Thanks. No need. What should I do? I don't know these things.
Firat: Actually, there is not much work. No worries. You will be a complainant, we will keep a report. Then a few applications and so on... I will take care of most of them... for you. I'll take care of you instead. If you want, tell me from the beginning.
Neslihan: I left the house for shopping. Then I saw two men running towards me. I was so scared.

Nedim: Are you leaving?
Yaman: Yes.
Nedim: But what about here?
Yaman: I have a much more important business. I'll take care of here later.

Yaman: I bought this for you.
Seher: Please don't do that.
Yaman: Don't interrupt me. You can replace everything lost, no matter how high its material value. Worrying is pointless. However, if you ascribe moral value to something, then you will feel sorry. For exapmle this... It is precious not because it stands in the window, but because it is on the wrist of Yaman Kirimli's future wife.
Adalet: Seher, my daughter... how beautiful you are.
Seher: Really?
Adalet: You will meet with Mr. Yaman. I should put the towels in the bathroom.
Seher: Am I exaggerating too much?
Svetlana Pop25 февраля 2021 17:58
Seher: Seher... Kirimli... Seher... Kirimli... Seher Kirimli...
Yaman: All the formalities are as they should be. The I.D. and all... And in reality too. Because... everything is so right. Real, as it should be. I mean, us.
Yusuf: Auntie look... How is it? What are you holding in your hand?
Seher: My new I. D card, sweetheart. It changed because I married your uncle.
Yusuf: Has your name changed, auntie?
Seher: Only my last name has changed, sweetheart. We now have the same last name. Seher... Kirimli...
Yusuf: Now we are Mother, Father and child Kirimli, right?
Seher: Yes.
Yaman: Get ready.
Seher: Shall I get ready? Why?
Yaman: We're going out for dinner tonight. Be ready when I come to pick you up.
Seher: But I have to... Yusuf...
Yaman: Get ready.
Seher: I need to get ready.
Svetlana Pop25 февраля 2021 17:56
Ikbal: Stop crying. We were defeated. You must accept this fact.
Zuhal: No, not you, I was defeated. Nothing has changed for you. You will send me and continue your old life again.
Ikbal: Don't exaggerate, Zuhal. You will stay at home on the island for a few days, that's all. When Yaman's anger is gone, I will find a way and do whatever is necessary for you to return.
Zuhal: I will not go!
Ikbal: You will go!
Zuhal: I will not go, do you understand! I will not go! That peasant Seher will go! Do you understand! She will go, not me!
Ikbal: Zuhal! God damn it! Zuhal! Zuhal, I said stop!

Kirpi: Bro, get yourself together. You are like in the 90s arabesque movies. Get yourself together!
Ibrahim: Kiraz couldn't figure out Kara's problem either. What could I have done to this girl? Why is she so mad? But you're right too, why am I sitting here? I'll go and find her problem myself.
Kirpi: Exactly. For example... Did you do anything wrong with work? Or did you make a joke to make her angry?
Svetlana Pop25 февраля 2021 17:55
123 episode in English

NEdim: Yaman, I'm disturbing you, but I couldn't reach you on the phone. Crisis broke out with Singapore partners. You have to come to the company urgently.
Yaman: Is there a need for me to come really?
Nedim: You know I would never bother you if I didn't need to.
Yaman: Okay. You wait downstairs. I'm coming too.
Nedim: Okay.
Yaman: We'll continue later.
Зайнаб25 февраля 2021 10:29
Ну почему же так долго ждём перевода, сума сойти можно
ЛИЛИЯ25 февраля 2021 09:59
Немного задерживают, но 122с уже озвучена. Кираз и Али только и решают чужие проблемы, чем свои, наверно только в конце проекта мы что-то увидим. ЗУХАЛЬ на грани безумия, она и так психически нездорова, а после свадьбы Ямана и Сехер психика дала сбой. Да, мне все таки нравятся герои мама Надире и отец Ариф, которые аккуратно дают совет этим несмелым и не опытным влюблённым, особенно Сехер. Хотя Яман пока не может сказать вслух о своих чувствах, таков уж Яман, но его разговор, поступки и глаза говорят о том как сильно её любит. И этот герой мне очень нравится, он как гора, за которым можно прожить всю жизнь. От Селима я не в восторге,подлая и трусливая душа. Что он ещё сотворит?
Янна25 февраля 2021 08:47
Я уже посмотрела 122 с на русском .
Воз и ныне там .
Не нравится , что из такой смелой девушки , как Сехер, лепят тупую идиотку .
Бесконечные переглядки уже надоедают . Яман целыми днями сидит дома , ходит за Сехер , как привязанный, гипнотизирует ее глазами , но времени поговорить с ней откровенно не находит.
То одно мешает , то другое , как "тому танцору..."
Мужику под сорок , а он как будто только с дерева слез, в спину его должны толкать то дед -шашлычник , то молочная мама.
Да и Зухаль не уйдет с особняка .
Заступиться за нее Сехер - "святая наивность ".
Начинается фирменная резина от Незмие Йилмаз. Ее "любовные прелюдии" к платонической любви -это как болезнь уже переходящая из сериала в сериал.
Зато полно анонсов о беременности Сехер от "святого духа".
Что то мне подсказывает , что скоро мы и эту пару возненавидим , если так и дальше будет продолжаться . Уж выбешивать зрителя эта сценаристка мастерица.
Во всем должна быть мера.
Сколько можно смотреть одно и то же ?

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